This weekend we got to go to Idaho to celebrate the baptism of our cute niece Angie.
We love any opportunity to visit the fam in Idaho, and when those trips include the WHOLE family, we love it even more! With all 4 brothers living in different states, it isn't very often that we get to see each other so these rare moments are cherished.
Friday was travel day. Tyler and I flew up to Provo, picked up a rental car (our choices ended up being between a mini van or Mustang... needless to say we ended up with a Mustang. I'm not complaining. ;) ) and sped off to Salt Lake to pick up Matt. Three and a half hours later we made it to Rupert! Cody and his family were already there, and later that evening Garrett came down from Boise. We spent Friday afternoon together, just enjoying each other's company!
Saturday morning was spent outside in the BEAUTIFUL weather helping with yard work. I got to mow the lawn (my very favorite chore! I'm not even kidding... it's my happy place. Judge as you will.) and soaked up every minute of the beautiful weather. Did I mention how beautiful the weather was? ;) Saturday was also Grandpa Camp's birthday. That evening we drove up to Jerome to celebrate. After visiting and playing outside on Grandpa's old tractor, we convinced Javi to let Grandpa cut his hair. (Just what he wanted to do on his birthday, I'm sure. Ha!) Tyler even got lucky enough to get "fergisized", something he has talked about ever since we met. Grandpa Camp's barbering is legendary, and I have to say...I don't think Tyler's hair has ever looked better. Ferg really does have the magic touch!! After hairs were cut, Grandma took Grandpa for a birthday spin in the Mustang. I had no idea, but Grandma Camp is a huge 'stang fan! Another fun fact about Grandma...she makes THE BEST cinnamon rolls I've ever had. (Sorry mama...but don't worry, I still love your rolls too.) It was so fun to see Grandpa in action and watch the smile on Grandma's face as she drove off in that car. Family is so great!

Javi wasn't so sure about that tractor when Grandpa turned it on...I don't blame him, it was pretty loud!
After Javi sat in Grandpa's chair he agreed to let him cut "just a little bit". :)
Nerea wanted to try too!
Ty's turn!
Next up...Stacey!
Nea and Uncle Garrett
My beautiful sister-in-law
Going for a birthday spin!
Nea wanted to take Javi for a spin too
The family isn't complete without Noon dog!
Sunday morning Terry and I managed to convince everyone to roll out of bed bright and early for family photos. Like I mentioned before, we don't get to see each other often enough, so I figured when we are together I WILL get a photo. I'm so lucky the Camps love me. :) After church and a delicious lunch, we got ready for the big event of the weekend! Family and a few close friends gathered at the church to support cute Angie. Terry spoke on baptism and the importance of taking on and representing the name of Christ, and Flor spoke about the Holy Ghost. Both were beautiful talks and the spirit was felt. Cody did a great job baptizing Angie, she made it all the way under on the first shot! (I always get nervous a toe is going to float up. Ha!) After, we gathered back home for Flan & Tres Leches and boy-oh-boy was it delish! Flor is an amazing chef. The rest of the evening was spent chatting with the family, then Tyler and I got to take Grandma & Grandpa Reed & Amy home, and visit with them for a bit longer. Grandpa is a professional photographer, so he was giving me tips and tricks for lighting. I couldn't soak up all the information fast enough! I can't wait to get back up there so he can teach me to shoot film. We sure have a talented family!

Ladies...they're single. :)
Seriously, have you ever seen such beautiful kids?!
Grandma Reed taking the boys for a ride on her new set of wheels!
Aunt Amy loves dogs, and Noon loves Aunt Amy! It was so cute to watch her with him, if only Noon could sit still for two seconds so I could get a photo in focus! Darn Noon!
Family photo with the Reeds
Monday was another travel day. After dropping Matt off at the SLC airport and nearly missing our flight out of Provo, we made it back to this hot desert we call home. It was such a pleasure spending time with everyone, we wish it could have lasted a few more days. We are so blessed to be a part of this amazing family, and are so grateful that families get to be together forever!
Being a Camp is pretty special, and I sure feel lucky Tyler picked me to share his last name. :)