All of Tyler's blood, sweat, and tears have finally paid off, as Yuma Regional Cancer Center opened its doors to patients this past Tuesday.
And yesterday, all of my blood, sweat, and tears paid off during the Grand Opening!
(Just kidding. No blood, sweat or tears on my part. I just got to help do fun stuff!)
The Grand Opening was based on recognizing the "gifts" in our lives.
It was a neat theme to work with, and I had such a blast working with the hospitals community relations team to put this event together. To learn more about the Cancer Center, and to view a pretty sweet video they put together, click HERE )
Anywhoo, things in Yuma are coming to a close as Tyler finishes up last minute paperwork and such on the Cancer Center.
I know I've posted a few photos before, but now that it's all finished I thought we'd take all you dedicated readers for a GRAND TOUR!
Buckle up for some really neat iPhone panoramic photos y'all.
We'll start on Level 1, the main level.
This level houses the main entry, cafe, chapel, and is used mainly for exams and the physician offices.
(Please ignore the maintenance cart and mop...They were cleaning while I snuck photos.)
The Kai Cafe
The Chapel
Medical Nurse Station (above and below)
Conference room
Exam Room
And now to the Lower Level!
Lower Level houses the Linear Accelerator vault, HDR room, and the CT suite, along with oncology exam rooms and offices.
Check-in Station
Nurse Station
Linear Accelerator vault
Next we have Level 2
Level two is used for chemotherapy. It houses the American Cancer Society resource center, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Semi-private infusion rooms, as well as the community infusion room. The laboratory and pharmacy are located on level 2 as well.
Resource Center
Physical Therapy
Massage Therapy
Nurse Station
Community Infusion
Semi-private Infusion
Conference Flex Room
Outside - Main Enterance
(Those blue fags aren't normally there...once again, only for the grand opening :) )
And there you have it! Tyler and his team have done an amazing job.
I'm so proud of all the hard work Tyler has put in. He has worked many late nights to see that this project was finished in time and to the level of perfection Okland stands for. He's had to put up with more than his fair share, but he always has a good attitude and gets the job done.
I'm so lucky he's all mine! :)